When Mild Climates Go Bad, Part 3

We suffered when the trumpet vine died. We loved the big flowers that changed from rich violet to white before dropping to the patio. We had tried for years to find more like it at nurseries, but no luck.

You know why? Because it folds at the first sign of frost, so no respectable nursey would carry it.

Xentrik cried when April came, and the thing was dead. I was too sad to chop out the old, dried up vines.

Thank goodness. Late in May we saw some tiny green bits springing from the base of the main vine.

March 1998-October 2000

Two years later, the trumpet vine is still fighting to come back. Maybe next summer it will fill in better.

Unless we get frost this winter...

Beyond: containers of scented pelargonium.

Here's that first frost bit again.

Here's that second frost bit again.


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