Calls to Action

Updated 20 February 2004
On Friday 20 February 2004, the San Francisco Chronicle reported:

As a new statewide poll showed that half of Californians oppose same-sex marriage and hinted of potential difficulties among Democratic and independent voters, key California Democratic officeholders began to express doubts about same-sex marriage...
Democratic U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer, running for re-election, said Thursday: "The mayor has decided to challenge state law. My opinion is that state law is fair and appropriate because it gives equal rights and responsibilities to all citizens."
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Senator Boxer seems delusional at best.
I'm married, so I get certain economic benefits (such as lower insurance rates than singles) and governmental perks (like on my income taxes). There's a guy at work, just down the hall from me, who doesn't have the right to get married to his partner. Obviously, I receive social benefits he cannot. Senator Boxer seems hypocritical to imply this system is "separate but equal."
I expected better than double-talk from Senator Boxer. How about you? Call her at 415-403-0100, or email her.


Updated 11 February 2004
The Bush Administration has approved extensive gas drilling in a national park that is the main U.S. nesting beach for the most endangered sea turtle in the world.
The National Park Service under President Bush has given the green light to "an aggressive drilling campaign" that could involve drilling 20 or more natural gas wells on Padre Island National Seashore in Texas. And it did so without formally consulting with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, as required by the Endangered Species Act.
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